Thursday, August 9, 2007

Diabetes Camp

Daniel is off at diabetes camp this week.
They have a whole theme of activities to keep the kids busy and having fun. He took his skateboard, and is having fun with it. He is in a cabin with 14 boys and counsilors.
I went to the camp photo site and saw pictures of him doing archery.
I get to send him email every day, but haven't heard from him. I guess he is having too much fun to write, so I should stop worrying about him.
Besides all of the fun, they have diabetes education classses every day. I am anxious to hear what all he has learned. I have heard the camp exeperience is valuable one, and the kids return year after year. They like being around other kids that are just like they are. I am glad he was able to addtend, and hope he will for many years to come.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

I'm glad he's having a good time. That's so important for kids.

JulieOShields said...

OK, I got a postcard from his yesterday. I know he is doing fine now. He hates writing letters. The postcard was his dream. It had boxes for him to check as to the activities he was doing. He checked that he was having lots of fun and meeting new friends, he was spending all of his money, he was learning new things about diabetes...One of the boxes was: I miss you, It was not checked, but the I love you box was checked. He didn't check the please send me an email box. I have been sending emails every day. I didn't send one last night. Maybe I was embarrassing him.
I am glad he is having fun. I pick him up at 10:30 tomorrow morning.